Was hat Scham damit zu tun?
Der Selbsthilfe-Podcast von und mit Turid Müller www.turid-mueller.de
Quellen & Weiterführendes: Dr. Ramani: How to work through the shame of a narcissistic relationship Dr. Ramani: The shame people feel when they come from narcissistic relationships Dr. Ramani: Dealing with feelings of shame in narcissistic relationships Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability Brené Brown: Listening to shame
Online-Kurs "Beim nächsten Mal Liebe" Rabattcode: MUTIGESHERZ20
Credits: Idee & Moderation: Turid Müller Intro-Sprecher: Jens Wenzel Komposition, Musik, Mix: Torge Niemann Grafik: Katrin Baarth
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